Friday, September 11, 2009

Chloe's Gymnastics class

So, Chloe started Gymnastics last week, this is actually her second class (with a leotard rather than her shorts and t-shirt she sported last week). She starts out very shy, doesn't do the stretches, but once the jumping and actual gymnastics starts, she comes out of her shell.
After stretching, the girls line up, with their hands behind their back and they follow the teacher, Mr. Zac and Mrs. Jennifer to the next "event"
Waiting for her turn on the bar.....
Here she goes....her coach said to her "my you are strong"...she jumped up and made her arms straight very quickly and with little effort
Here she is doing a back something....maybe a flip?
Can you see the extreme focus on her face????
Look out gymnastics girls....Chloe Lunn is on the rise....

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